Friday, December 12, 2008

a bit about the poem

As i said in class, this poem was meant to compliment the story. But, and this is important. it is intentionally not included in the story, because i wanted the story to be absent of that type of conclusion.

The poem, while anyone can read it in varying ways, was supposed to express several of the points in class.
Most significantly Pater's idea that the wisest of us live in poetry and in song. He speaks that for the most part these are children, or at least adults resorting back to children. thats why it has that childish format and theme.

the lines "beyond living within" is supposed to signify anagogic phase

and though it is subtle, i say not to look to the stars because i view them as a form of science.
for the most part this poem is meant to incorporate many of the themse, though they may be hard to see, they are there. As well as just the basic form of a poem, expressing the quality of poetry... all that jazz.

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